Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monsters Are Real

Nathan is convinced that monsters are real. He believes that they hide under his bed and in his closet just waiting to get him. These fears make bed time difficult. Each night he presents a strong case why he shouldn't sleep in his bed & I counter with all kinds of solutions. I do my best to rid his room of scary monsters with prayer, songs, tickles, hugs, stories, and night lights. I have taken some of Noah's art out of the room because Nathan felt they came alive to get him when the lights go out. Some nights we succeed and Nathan stays in his bed other nights he ends up in bed with me. The other night he stayed in his bed all night and awoke in a state of horror. I could hear his little pitter-patter run down the hall towards my room accompanied with woeful tears. He was begging me to clean him up.

At first sight of him, I was afraid too. His face and arms were covered in blood. I was hoping it had just been a bloody nose that ran a muck. However, Nathan, screamed at me that a monster had gotten him in the night. I tried my best to assure him it had not been a monster. As he allowed me to wash his face and arms he studied the dirtied washcloth with extreme curiosity. Then he said, "Mama, I sorry I pooped in my bed. Pleeeease get it off mef!" I immediately felt badly that he came to the conclusion that if it had not been a monster then it had to be him pooping. I tried to convince him that neither had happened--that it was dry and he'd just had a bloody nose. Since I don't want him to feel shame I finally surrendered the argument and agreed that a monster did attack, but convinced him that he'd won the battle. He hugged me as I said, "Nate, imagine what that Monster must look like...I am sure he'll never come back now."


Michelle M said...

I'm amazed at how calm you were; you are definitely a more mature mom than I am. I would have freaked out if I saw all that blood on my kid. I'm still learning about these happenings that I'll have to deal with some day.

ZAC said...

That is so dang cute but CRAZY! I might have been too freaked out to think as straight as you did. I'm so glad you went along with his belief and told him he had beat the monster :-)