Monday, February 2, 2009


I woke up this morning to the most blood-curling scream I've ever heard. Every scenario for what might have occurred past quickly through my mind from fire to an intruder. While I didn't know what caused it I knew the source-- Tessa. Turns out after she'd gotten off the toilet she noticed a fire bug (box elder bug) on the toilet seat. I could completely sympathize with the extreme surprise she'd encountered. It makes me shudder too. I was also relieved that this "fire" could be extinguished by Noah's lizard who thoroughly enjoyed her early morning treat.


Michelle M said...

Noah has a lizard?!

Derrick just found a bug in our fridge, which makes me shudder... I think the toilet seat would be just as unsettling- poor Tessa!

Sara @ Our Best Bites said...

lol about your idea for my new blog! I'm afraid I may have gained back a pound in each thigh from all of the peanut butter sandwich cookies I ate this weekend!

What a funny story too- I love that you fed the bug to the lizard!

Unknown said...

Noah has a Bearded Dragon given to him by his grandpa. It is a very docile reptile.