Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"Hearty" Chili

Dinner wasn't ready. Elizabeth had a babysitting job and needed to eat quickly. I suggested she make herself some Chili, Chips, & Cheese (her favorite). She asked me if we had chili & I told her she would find a whole case of it in the pantry. After approximately 30 seconds, she hollered that there was no chili in the pantry. I gave specific directions for her to locate it. Still the chili eluded her. Ray decided to help her out and went downstairs to point out how easy it is to find a case of chili. Ray returned to me to report that Elizabeth had really found the chili. She had read the label: "Hearty Turkey Chili" and interpreted that to mean that we'd purchased chili made of Turkey Heart. She was holding out for the familiar Nalley's label: "Original Chili." We had a good laugh. She is now relieved to know that I wasn't trying to feed her heart.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Door Decor & Baby No More!

Last week a friend called and asked me if I would PLEASE decorate the Kindergarten teacher's door for Teacher Appreciation Week. She offered to take Nathan & Rilla for a couple of hours so I could get started on it. When I dropped them off, she confided that she'd wished she had had another baby. She had been considering adopting and was thrilled to hold Rilla for a couple of hours.
I left and began by taking pictures of all the children in the class. Each child put on a fake hook and placed it on the shoulder of the child in front of them. Each child also wore an eye patch. I cut out letters that said, "Mrs. Whitaker, We Are Hooked On You!" I had taken a picture of the teacher and cut out her face and put it on a pirate. I made a pirate ship and placed her at the helm with all of the kids "hooked" strung out behind her. I think it turned out pretty cute. I was happy that someone asked me to do something and that I could do it.
When I picked up Nathan & Rilla my friend sweetly commented on how she'd forgotton how much time small children take and how one can't get anything done except for tending them. She thanked me for the opportunity to remember how much she loves her life right now with her 4 older children and is happily content. I laughed. There is definately a time & season for everything. And an afternoon with Nathan has now been proven to be the best birth control ever.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Young Mom

Ok. So, I went outside to wave goodbye to Tessa as she bicycled off to school. Nathan followed me. As I am holding Rilla, smiling and shouting I love you to Tessa, Nathan takes off running, following Tessa around the corner. He is barefoot and bottomless. I am trying to run after him while holding Rilla. He decided to pause to admire a bug crossing the sidewalk. (Yes, he likes to watch them and still is freaked that they are always crawling on him??) As I approach, a neighbor shouts out, "Hi Jodi, I thought you were a 'Young Mom!' I didn't recognize you at first." I am not sure if she meant that at first I seemed younger...and that up close I am definately older....or that she forgot I have two little ones still at home....It doesn't matter. I am an older mom with young children still in tow. :)

The Curse of Friday the 13th

Last Friday was the 13th. Noah came home from school in a frenzy. As he began to confide in me his woeful experiences of the day, little tears streamed down his cheeks. He then found it hard to speak. Coughing a couple of times, he blurted out, "It's the curse of Friday the 13th." Emma stood nearby, tears streaming down her face. Her eyes wide open intently listening to Noah's tale to make sure he wouldn't leave anything out. At this point I realized that the drama wasn't just a sibling spat. I reeled Noah closer to me, pulling him on my lap, encouraging him to start from the beginning...
"It started this morning. Dad woke me up late. I didn't have time to sit down for breakfast. I grabbed a bagel and ran out the door. I got up to the corner when a huge dog came running at me. He stole my bagel out of my hand and took off running. I barely made it to choir on time. I was hungry. As we were practicing a boy stole my show right off of my foot and wouldn't give it back to me. The teacher didn't do anything about it. She yelled at me for talking. When it was time for school to start the boy threw my shoe down the hall. I had to track it down. I was late to class. We had a substitute in math. She is mean. It was "PI" day. All the other classes got to have pie to celebrate. NOT US! We had to figure out new stuff on our own. At lunch, I was sitting at a table with my friends. The 6th grader who took my shoe was working as a lunch helper cleaning tables. He came over to me and hit me in the head with the dirty dish rag. He did it again and again. I spilled my lunch. I had to leave. I was still hungry. No one helped me. I didn't do flag core today. If I miss it again I will be thrown out. They are suppose to come and get me for it because my teacher says she isn't responsible for reminding us when to go. They didn't come for me. I don't want to be thrown off. I really love doing it. After school my friend and I were playing a game we invented with origami stars. We battle with them and it is fun. A 4th grader ran over to me and hit me with a stick. I yelled at him. He picked up a rock and threw it at me. It hit me in the head. I pushed the kid. He went crazy and attacked me. We wrestled. His 5th grade brother and Emma tried to get us to stop. His brother picked up a stick and hit me on the back of my neck. He grabbed his brother, as I grabbed my neck, and ran off. My friend didn't do anything. Emma was crying and told me to come home. I know everything happened because it's the curse of Friday the 13th."
Sometimes I forget how truly awful life can be when one is little. After the tale we dried up tears, I phoned the school to inform them about the unnecessary use of sticks and rocks, and then dished up huge bowls of ice cream for all of my kids. The hugs & ice cream seemed to remedy some of the misery, and definitely ended the curse of the 13th by 2 pm. The rest of the day was filled with laughter.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Spy

Last week, or maybe it was the week before, I took the kids to the museum to see an exhibit by the author of the I Spy books. I was concerned how Nathan would behave and was pleasantly surprised that he loved the whole experience. He was so GOOD! He didn't touch, climb, yell, scream, or cry. He actually was interested in the art and asked questions about it. So while I still cringe every time I have to take him to a concert, and wish I could not claim him while we're there, I feel there is hope. So while we're trying to listen to a choir or band concert and he tries to get the audience to watch him instead, I'll just breathe slowly as I remember he actually does understand the idea of looking at something instead of needing others to look at him. Or is it just the irony in the fact the exhibit was entitled, "I Spy."

Spelling Bees

After rehearsing for several days with Noah, I couldn't wait for the spelling bee to come. Who knew how many arguments a mother & child could have over a list of words. I would give him a word. He would attempt to spell it to me in an angry-I-don't-need-to-practice-sort-of-way. I would tell him he spelled it incorrectly. He would argue that he spelled it correctly. I would show him the word. I would remind him with my sincerest loving words that I was only trying to help him. He would say he didn't want to practice. I would leave it for awhile until he begged me for more help a couple of minutes later.
Noah did do pretty well. He made it to the final 12. He messed up on a word that caused him trouble the night before. I could only smile remembering the horrible time I'd had trying to help him spell it correctly.
He felt good about how he did. I felt good it was over.
Today, Emma came home with exciting information...She made it into the 3rd grade spelling bee. We've begun to practice. Unfortunately, witnessing the whole episode with Noah didn't do us a bit of good....At least it will all be over on Friday! Until next year.....

Play Try-Outs

Noah & Emma had the opportunity to try out for a play. Emma was so excited when she received a call-back. They sent us a monologue that she had one night to memorize. She practiced and I was so amazed at how naturally she got into character with correct intonation and body movement. She went to the call-back eager to show her stuff and came home in tears because they didn't want to see what they'd asked her to prepare. Instead they had her do the piece she'd done the first time. She hadn't practiced that and so it probably wasn't her best job. We both agree that it was a good experience and we'll try again...In the meantime, she continues to recite the monologue to Rilla frequently. Rilla continues to be her most captive audience and showers Emma with lots of giggles which is her way of applauding.

Temple Trip

Last week I was fortunate to accompany Elizabeth to do Baptisms for her first time. I felt like I should go as her mom and I am so glad I did. It was a beautiful thing to witness, but she also appreciated my presence. After the confirmations were finished, she smiled at me and asked, "Did you hear that every name had the name Elizabeth in it?" We both thought that was cool and it made it more personal to her. It is such an amazing feeling to see a child do something good because she wants to. And then it is wonderful to witness it.

Monday, March 9, 2009


This morning at breakfast...
Ray: "Nathan, you must be the funniest boy on the planet."
Nathan: "No, mom is."
Ray: "Mom is not a boy."
Nathan: "Mom is the planet."
Me: "If I am the planet, you (Nathan) are the alien."

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Please Be Kind

This is really silly...I went to Blockbuster this morning. I usually don't read the several hundred words typed onto the receipt, but today I did. I thought it was funny to see "Please be kind, Remember to Rewind," especially when they don't carry VHS any more. :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Pay It Forward

The first five people to leave a comment on this blog will receive something made by me. However there are some limitations.

1. I make no guarantee that you will like what I make.
2. What I create will be just for you.
3. It will be done this year.
4. You have no clue what it is going to be, poetry, clothes, paper goods, or a little invention of my own. I may bake something and mail it to you . Who knows? Not you that's for sure!
5. I reserve the right to do something extremely strange.

Here's the catch, if you choose to do this. You must post this on your blog and be ready to make something for five people too. This will be fun! When you receive the fabulous item I make you, you must post a picture of it on your blog.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Got My Nose?

As a child I always believed that someone (usually a male relative) could truly snatch my nose and put it on his own face. I would beg for him to give it back and he of course would return it with a sound effect such as "pop." We then would continue the game and I would take a turn at taking his nose as well. I enjoyed it. I have continued this game with all of my kids. It usually has been taken lightly and in good fun. Yesterday was different.
As Ray was leaving the chapel to escort Nathan to the bathroom, a sweet older gentleman held out his hand to Nathan's face. I think he just wanted to acknowledge Nathan and say, "Hello!" As Ray & Nathan were almost out of the chapel, Nathan wriggled free, ran back the the gentleman, picked up the man's hand placing it on his face, while stating Loudly, "Give me back my nose!" He then turned back towards the door running back to Ray.
Content to have his nose back, he was successful on the toilet, and then happy to go back to the meeting. Later, the older man questioned Ray about Nathan's erratic behavior. When it had been explained he and Ray shared a good laugh.

Glossary for Understanding Nathan

Hick-ups = Pick-ups
Movies = Noovies
Urine = Poop
Poop = Bumps
Hair Elastics = Band-aids
Band-aids = Band-aids
Octopus = omnibus (not intending to speak French)

Rilla is 4 Months Old

Rilla is growing so quickly. She is nearly 16 pounds. She is "talking" all the time and is a happy girl most of the time. I only wish that for every pound she is gaining I could be losing. That seems like a win win situation to me :)