Friday, December 26, 2008

A Very Merry Christmas

Christmas Eve afternoon we bundled up and spent some fun family time sledding down a great hill on Campus. A sweet & generous friend took Rilla so I was free to sled without worrying about her. Nathan proved to really enjoy sledding. I wasn't sure how he'd do on a big hill or if we'd ever get him into his despised purple & pink snowsuit...but he had the best day ever as he sat in his sled and the rest of us had an extra workout taking turns pulling him & his sled back up the hill. Ray, being Nate's primary taxi service, was too exhausted to do much of his own sledding until I suggested he sled down with Nathan and then walk back up with him. Yes, he was actually walking down the hill....

We spent a nice evening eating dinner by candlelight. I actually set a fancy table setting with nice table cloths and an elegant centerpiece. When the children came in ooo-ing and awe-ing one of them declared, "Fancy!" Another exclaimed, "Wow, I wish we could do this more often." I can only imagine what would have been said if we'd actually used real dishes instead of our every day use of paper plates and if I'd omitted the use of a clear vinyl table cover over the linen.

At dinner, Emma asked me if we'd do the "Christmas Play." We, like many other families, act out the Nativity every Christmas Eve. Elizabeth had quickly volunteered to prepare some costumes and props. It is so fun for me to watch them busily prepare. I remember the huge Nativity we'd do at my Grandparents Pearce's home. It was a magical time for me and I am happy it is for my children as well. All of the parts were designated. Luckily, no one protested Emma's desire to be Mary again this year. Rilla was nominated for the part of baby Jesus. She cooperated nicely. Elizabeth excitedly declared she'd be the angel. Tessa really wanted to be the shepherd with a sheep (that really was a goat puppet who pretended to be a sheep). Noah was forced to be Joseph again. Nathan, after listening to his siblings rantings about parts, decided he could be an angel, Joseph, a sheep, or a wise man. After being assigned a wise man, he wasn't sure that was what HE wanted. So for the hour before our play he proclaimed his desires for other parts to every member of the family. Each of us instinctively reinforced that he'd be a wonderful wise man. When Elizabeth showed him that he could wear a cape, he was content. Each of them performed the Nativity with
reverence and respect.

I was feeling great. The day was wonderful and running smoothly. After the Nativity the children asked if they could open the traditional ONE present before going to bed. We gathered in a circle close to the tree as I passed out the pre-determined gifts. The older children weren't surprised to find new p.j.'s. But, Emma, was distressed to find that she and Tessa received matching jammies. She burst into tears storming around and screaming the injustice of it and vowing to never wear them. Somehow I managed to stay calm. I was remembering that I'd wanted to buy her Hannah Montana jammies instead, but the dad didn't want those so the only option was matching with Tessas. I hugged Emma and promised to never make that same mistake again. She must have believed me and felt my true sense of remorse because she put them on for a picture. I then began to wonder on what emotion we'd all go to bed with and I began to worry...Luckily, I agreed to allow Emma to set carrots out for the reindeer. We all went to bed happy.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Picture

I don't think I've sent out Christmas cards for the past nine years....It began to be a tedious task that I eliminated in trying to simplify. This year I am going to send out an electronic greeting and decided we needed an updated family picture to attach to it. I thought the best chance we'd have was to take it immediately right after church while we were still somewhat dressed up (and hopefully looking our best). Well, we actually got around to it an hour after church. After a couple of disputes over "who gets to sit by who" and "who gets to sit where" we ended up with seven pictures; this being the best. At least Nathan is smiling and Rilla isn't screaming and no ones undies are showing. :)

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Best Christmas Gift

Rilla just had her two month DR visit. She is growing so quickly and time just keeps flying by. I was surprised to learn that she weighed nearly 11 pounds. She is a cute and healthy baby with a good temperment so I was horrified when the nurse informed me that Rilla would be receiving five pokes. I wanted to know why they didn't have the combination vaccine and regretted asking when the nurse told me (in a matter-of-fact way void of any sympathy) they were out of them. Rilla, however, took the shots bravely and quickly went to sleep afterward--perhaps to slip away from reality.

Since Rilla & I were alone, I decided to make a quick stop to the store to pick up a couple of Christmas gifts. As I was pushing the cart down the isle of ornaments searching frantically for a large jingle bell, a woman came around the corner towards me. She smiled and boldly put her cart at an angle forcing me to stop and look at her. She then stated in a serious yet gentle voice, "You have the best Christmas present right there already." She moved her cart and allowed me to pass. Thank you to that stranger for kind words that reminded me how truly blessed I am. What a wonderful time of year to have a precious baby.

Our Little Lady

Modesty is important to me. We spend a lot of time discussing what appropriate dress is and how to sit politely in a dress. In spite of all of my efforts to help my daughters become little ladies, in church yesterday, Tessa pulled up her dress to pull up her tights. Since Ray and I were three and four chairs away from her, we just smiled at each other and rolled our eyes. Guess I'd better stay clear from modesty discussions for awhile.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Do Me A Favor?

Last night my cousin, Kristine, was doing her laundry. Nathan was happy to keep her company. I sat in the adjoining room listening to him ramble on and on and feeling grateful to Kristine for listening and even conversing with him. All of a sudden Nathan ran out of the laundry room cradling a pink little pillow under his cheek. I thought perhaps he was up to no good, and so I promptly asked, "Nathan, are you suppose to have that pillow?" And then I quickly added, "Does Kristine know you have her pillow?" As he galloped around in a little circle still clinging to the pillow he smiled as he responded, "Kristine gave me a favor!" Being a little slow to understand, I asked again, "Does Kristine know you have her pillow?" In a very grown-up and serious manner he replied, "Mom, Kristine gave me a favor to go and put the pillow on her bed." Off he went to do her the favor. I am still smiling.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thankful for Thanksgiving

  • Tessa had a wonderful time in Kindergarten learning about Indians & Pilgrims.

  • In fact, Tessa's account of all she'd learned was so thrilling that Nathan joined in. And, without any practice or training, he seemed to follow all of the hand actions perfectly & in sync.
Halloween costumes & decorations wore me out and so I decided to not decorate for Thanksgiving. Fortunately, one of the blessings of public school is that they provide all the decor any sensible home needs.

  • Noah made this adorable turkey bread basket for our rolls on Thanksgiving Day.

  • Emma's turkey adorned our entry hall table.We spent Thanksgiving weekend in Park City at Snydermill with the Cook Family. I will be forever indebted to their kindness & hospitality! I am not quite sure who has more fun, me or my children.

  • Elizabeth playing Tennis on the Wii.
  • We all had fun being introduced to the Wii. Ray became a competitive bowler and I had fun rocking out with Nancy.

  • Of course, Noah & Michael enjoyed the X-Box, among other activities involving fire, and teasing Emma.

  • Tessa acquired a new trick.

  • Emma couldn't allow her little sister to out-do her.

  • Rilla loved being passed...

  • and passed....

  • and passed...Is it any wonder that she stayed up all night? I am sure it is because she missed me during the day.

  • We all enjoyed countless games....Nertz, Phase 10, Upwards, Boggle....
  • Of course the food was wonderful!

  • Nathan loved collecting his "babies" (BB's).
  • He also loved being the center of attention and showing off his light-up Thomas the Tank Engine shoes over and over again....
  • Ray & I loved that Nathan was the center of someone else's attention :)

  • Who can have Thanksgiving without a Turkey Hunt? Although, I think in this case maybe the hunter and the turkey were one and the same.
  • Thanksgiving is a truly lovely holiday to relax & reflect on all of our blessings.

Monday, December 15, 2008


  • Grandma likes to call Nathan and all small children, her "punkin." Nathan always refused this term of endearment with a firm voice stating, "I am not a 'pumpkin,' I am Nathan." On Halloween night we dressed Rilla in this cute onesie. Nathan admiringly commented, "Rilla is Grandma's Pumpkin."

  • I have been a bit behind....However, I suppose since retailers and radio stations could promote Christmas the day after Halloween, I can post our Halloween update 12 days before Christmas. I am happy that my children even had costumes to wear. I had come home from the hospital on a Saturday evening and sewed 2 costumes before Wednesday evening and only had purchased the fabric Tuesday afternoon. I am grateful to Wall-Mart for their bargain fabrics which inspired the "Snow Queen" and "Jawa" costumes which only cost me $6.00. Tessa prefers to be animals for Halloween and luckily, I remembered I had made Ray & Noah matching Duck costumes 6 years ago. Of course, once Nate saw Tessa's Duck costume, he could no longer wear the frog costume we'd already acquired for him, so I quickly made a few adjustments to Ray's duck costume so he could match Tessa.