Monday, June 29, 2009

Pink-Eye Plague

Pink is nice
That's what you think
Until it oozes yellow goop
Itching until Red
Swollen shut
Unable to see

Pink is friendly
The smooth skin of a baby
The nose of a kitten
The fairy-tale princess
Beauty masks the infection:
The desire to want

Little hands touch and place
Feeling is learning
I pick-up things pink has touched
I see red. I don't see.
Twice we all receive the Pink
Except for daddy--lucky he.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

48 Days of Missed Writing

I began writing about several of the events that have transpired over the past 48 days since my last post. It became quite long so I decided to break it up a bit for an easier read...
I have missed writing. I crave my time to write and when I don't do it, I feel anxious and concerned that I will forget something, and yet, time passes too quickly and too many other things compete for my time and attention. Mostly good things: motherly responsibilities, times to serve, opportunities to participate in fun activities, and sometimes unpleasant and unforeseen catastrophes require my constant vigil. And then at the end of an over-stuffed day when all are asleep and it is nearly the hour of a new day beginning, all I crave is sleep and I surrender to my body's desire and rest-- just enough to begin another day. Whatever the reason or choice for not writing...I am happy to write now--today. little by little I'll keep posting old and new....mixed together and disorderly...just like my life :)

Painting Woes

May 30, 2009

Our first day of summer vacation according to some, but not to me. I thought it would be a good idea to get some work done on this Saturday so that we could begin Summer Break with Fun on Monday. Instead, all I wanted to do was skip Summer all together and put all the kids in far-away boarding schools...

Our swing set was pretty ragged when we moved in 8 years ago. After 8 years of snow, rain, sun, wind, construction, and kids, it has become really pathetic. I thought we could use some red paint left-over from our "remodel" to perk it up a bit and reduce splinters. I also thought it would be nice to have the children assist in the painting. I gathered all of the supplies together and found old clothing for the kids to wear. I had a couple of quick things to attend to inside before we could start painting. However, I must have made it all too clear that there would be NO FUN until our work was done, because for the first time ever in our household the children actually went to work without me driving them to do it. Unfortunately, this was BAD.
One of the little things I attended to was Nathan. His pull-up was oozing all up his back and down his legs. I had picked him up to bathe him upstairs. While he was in the bath and I was cleaning up his soiled clothes, Rilla had a diaper explosion of her own. She also required a bath. Her clothes needed scrubbing. Laundry needed to be started. The washing machine needed to be emptied, the drier emptied, the sink emptied for Rilla's bath. The floor where she'd been playing needed to be scrubbed. She then thought she was hungry. I fed her. When she was settled, Nathan was rescued from the tub and dressed. I began to walk downstairs to collect some toys to entertain Rilla outside while we would work.

To my horror two of my girls came inside yelling & arguing. I quickly noticed red paint dripping down the hair of one daughter, and red paint covering arms, legs, feet, and NEW clothes (not the old ones I'd set out for them to wear) of both girls. Nathan began demanding chocolate milk and his turn to paint. I started to cry as Ray came in and wanted me to see how great his work (on some other project) was going--completely oblivios to all I'd been dealing with. I rudely told him he'd have to wait. I told both girls to take off their shoes immediatly (before tracking paint all over the house) and get into the tub. I threw the baby at Ray and sat Nate on a high stool that he can't get off of. I followed the girls up to the bath expressing my frustration at the mess and their lack of following instructions. As they bathed and flooded my bathroom floor (for me to mop up later) and left paint residue on my tup (which I scrubbed off later), my other two children came in whining about the heat....and how they were NOT going to paint any more.

Somehow, one little girl got dressed in another nice outfit and ruined it with paint before I noticed. I listened to more argument about how so and so didn't do as I took inventory of the paint brushes in the sink filled with red water. I tried to sweet talk the oldest into finishing what she'd started promising that I would be there to finish. "NO," was all I got. I banned the other kids from the back yard for the next 24 hours--not to allow the paint to dry, but to prevent them from making a bigger mess.

Ray asked me what I'd like his next project to be, I softly suggested he could finish painting the swing-set. "NO!"

So, our swing set will set half done until we have time to forget how utterly terrible the first attempt went. We did not have FUN on Monday. They were all assigned inside chores. I counted my blessings that Nathan did not get to the paint. :) It could have been much worse.

Last Day of School Dance

Traditionally, we assembled on the front lawn of our school at 8:30 am to watch our children perform in their Dance Festival. Even Elizabeth was able to come with us. Although the Jr. High was scheduled for classes today, Elizabeth assured me that ALL of her teachers had threatened to lower grades for any students who dared to show up...
We all enjoyed watching Tessa do the "J-E-L-L-O" dance. She had a very fun partner, Trooper, and the two of them added a lot of personality. No one watching would have believed Tessa is a shy and quiet little thing. :)

Emma proudly performed the Island Stick dance. Her partner was Chandler, one of my favorite 3rd grade boys. Emma was happy that their little group of 4 took their dance seriously and practiced until they received praise from all 4 third grade teachers.

Noah was a true gentleman as he endured being bit and punched by his dance partner in the swing dance. I am still astonished that an 11 year old girl would have a biting problem, but Noah made the best of things by being kind and trying to just enjoy. His only regret was that his partner refused to let him "dip" her at the end. I needed to meet this girl to see if his stories were a bit inflated. And, no, I don't think they were. In trying to comfort him, I said, "Noah, what a pity she took you for granted. I would have loved being paired up with a nice boy who actually wanted to dance! One of these days she'll look back and realize how good she had it and feel horrible." His only response was to skeptically gaze at me...

I had to plead with her four times before she allowed me to photograph them....

Friday, June 26, 2009

Elizabeth's Birthday

Having a birthday on a Sunday can be a bit disappointing...but I think this time the birthday girl was pleasantly surprised....
  • Bagels with cream cheese for breakfast.
  • Special treats at Church from loving leaders.
  • Navajo Tacos for dinner
  • Cheesecake for her birthday cake
  • Surprise gifts including The most perfect Denim Bermuda Shorts to have been designed, a new book, and a cell phone with 10 minutes of emergency phone time. Who would have guessed that the used phone with only 10 minutes and with strict instructions to not give anyone the phone number would get such a positive response.
  • Playing board games all afternoon
  • Nice letters from her sisters
  • A pocket knife from her brothers
Elizabeth's favorite and most cherished gift was from her Great-Grandma Ellgen. The Pioneer Trek is approaching and the only thing that is enticing her to go is the opportunity to wear the apron and skirt made for her by grandma. I believe it is the knowledge of the love that went into the project that Elizabeth has found so comforting. Thank you Grandma!

With each birthday of each child, I reflect on the birth and life of that child. We all share memories we have of the birthday child. My thought this year about Elizabeth is how much sweeter she gets with each year. And, how quickly time passes from infant to teenager...

Elizabeth planned her own party this year. Our wonderful public library offers many free activities one of which is a murder mystery party. Elizabeth called and scheduled the date and time. The party girls rode their bikes to the library, played the game, rode back to our house for snacks, treats, more games, and opened presents. They all had fun and I didn't do much. :) The funniest sight was watching one of Elizabeth's friends ride a scooter wearing 3" heels and carrying a purse the size of a boat. :)


  • Elizabeth had a band concert, and two choir concerts for us to attend in the last two weeks of school. All three were spectacular. She also had her first Piano recital after only 6 lessons. Although I hear her practice I was pleasantly surprised she'd memorized her piece and played it perfectly. Both of which I could never do.
  • Tessa performed in her Kindergarten program. She said her part loud and clear for all to hear! :) We are all still singing, "Smile and Say, 'Hello!'"
  • Noah participated in a choir concert in the Provo Tabernacle along with all of the other School District Concert Choirs. It was beautiful. We also attended his Concert Choir's final performance at the school. It was swashbuckling fun with great Pirate songs and chants. The finale was a song from "Pirates of Penzance." They all wore costumes and did some acting. Fun! All of the 5th Grades in the entire school district are invited to participate in a concert entitled, "Hope of America." There were over 8000 students who sang and it was awesome! The program is a kick-off for our city's Freedom Festival activities that continue throughout the summer. I am grateful Noah could participate in such a wonderful and inspiring event. I've decided this is one event we will attend every year from now on. :)
  • Emma performed in her 3rd Grade Choir Concert. She sang beautifully. Now I just need to help her smile while she sings so she looks like she's enjoying it.

My opportunity to give-- just a little

With the Pioneer Trek approaching, I recognized that I could offer to sew skirts and bonnets. I believe I sewed six skirts and ten bonnets. The blessing I gained through this sewing project was the affectionate time spent with Elizabeth. She was an enormous help in turning the bonnet ties inside out. She would talk to me while I sewed and I enjoyed her company. She also assisted me in acquiring fabric, taking measurements, and making deliveries. I believe her blessing was to discover enthusiasm for the Trek. Service is truly a Gift Divine.

Mother's Day 2009

A few years ago I came to understand something. As in all other things, when we reach out to others and forget ourselves we find true happiness. Mother's Day has become a nice holiday now that I make it a day for my children to show love and devotion to me even when I'd like to dig a hole and wait for the day to pass. I also believe that expecting nothing prevents disappointment. In preparing our Sunday meal, I decided to make what I wanted to eat and then enjoy it instead of allowing the resonating whining opposition ruin it for me. I endured hours of cuddling, smothering, and numerous competitions for my personal space. I pacified insecurities about whose gift was superior and offered reassuring words that each gift is unique and perfect and not to be compared. I repetitively praised all home made cards and art work and displayed them all proudly. I begged Nathan to go to nursery and instead took he and Rilla with me to my meetings. We three sat in the furthest back corner starting off quiet. When Nathan's magnetic charm seemed too strong a pull for two little girl toddlers to resist, I loosened my reverent reigns. I decided to enjoy being the parent overseer of Toddler Time enabling the other younger mothers to hear and enjoy the meeting.When I went to bed that night, I thanked God for the blessing I have to be a mother. I thanked Him for all the love those precious souls expressed to me. And, I thanked Him and acknowledged to Him my gratitude that in spite of my inadequacies and failures, it is a miracle, truly, that I am loved.

Simple Things

Ray kindly drove me to a new nursery for a look around. My watermelon plants had been growing so nicely in my garden until Tessa weeded them trying to be helpful. Several years ago I decided my favorite gift for Mother's Day is to receive plants for my garden. To keep tradition and to keep me happy Ray bought me a few plants including watermelon. Elizabeth had come with us and kindly participated in the free activity of potting marigolds to give to your mother. She told the employee that there were 5 more children at home so I was invited to take 6 free marigold plants home with me :) We went out to the truck with our plants and dismally sat still as the truck refused to start. I will not elaborate on all of my emotions or the realization of how far from home we were....I will gratefully relate that we were fortunately parked on a slope. I am also grateful to have grown up with a number of old vehicles and learned how to jump start a car at an early age. I suggested this approach to a frustrated husband. He actually listened and tried it as Elizabeth and I pushed the truck with all of our might and smiled as the engine rolled over. The quote on my calendar for the month of May read, "Let us believe that God is in all our simple deeds and learn to find Him there."


Nathan was invited to a birthday party. Being jungle themed, he wore his Safari hat. We rehearsed the tradition of Gift Giving all morning. As we waved good-bye, he cheerfully exclaimed, "Mom, I got MY present, Right?" He was off. Elizabeth had happily agreed to chaperon. I awaited their return: Curious to learn if "MY" present meant the gift he would part with civility, or fight to keep for his own enjoyment.
They returned. I breathed a sigh of relief and comfort that Nathan really is a good boy.

Noah's First Over-Night Camp-Out

Noah went on his first official New Scout Camp-Out. I learned at 3 pm the afternoon of departure that he needed a mess kit and a camping back pack. Somehow my super-mommy powers were all intact as I raced to two stores across town purchasing the mess kit and a generous amount of munchies. I also managed to borrow a camping back pack from a sweet friend with seasoned scouts of her own. Noah was packed and delivered to the Stake Center at 4 pm. Whew!

The only comfort I received as I entrusted my son into the care of strangers was his smile.