Sunday, February 21, 2010

Ice Age

For Christmas, Emma received ice skating lessons from Santa. She has really enjoyed them and is doing great! With her lessons came a punch pass to visit the ice rink for some extra practice. The first time I took the girls and enjoyed watching them skate. The second time I took all of the kids except for Rilla. I barely endured helping Nathan "skate" around one time. In fact, he cried after only going around 1/3 of the track wanting to go home. Skating is not his thing. I took him home and then returned to the rink to skate with the other kids. We still had a little over an hour of skating time. I was a bit jittery at first, but was happy to be skating. I enjoy it just as much now as I did as a child. I definitely wasn't doing any fancy tricks or even going too fast but I was having fun with my kiddos. I had just reminded my kids that we had less than five minutes left to skate when all of a sudden I felt PAIN in my bum and then heard a loud whack and felt immense PAIN on my head. I have no idea what happened. Though I felt completely humiliated, I truly did not know how I was going to get up let alone drive us all home. I knew it was a bad fall because 2 ice skating attendants helped me up and followed me off the rink and stayed with me until I left. The DR said I suffered a mild concussion and agrees I probably bruised my tail bone. Ray insists that IF I go ice skating again I must wear a helmet. I just think I'll go and quit 10 minutes earlier :) I hate experiences that bring me to the realization that I am getting older....

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