Thursday, September 30, 2010

I Don't Want to Go in the Girl's!

Yesterday, Elizabeth had an early out so Nathan, Rilla, and I picked her up and ran some errands. Our last stop was Shopko. Nathan needed to use the Restroom. I took him and waited patiently outside the door of the Men's Room. He insisted he could handle it himself. He did. We returned to where we'd left Rilla & Elizabeth. Shortly, Nathan panicked. He informed us he needed to use the bathroom again. Elizabeth was getting nervous about the time. She had Color-guard practice and needed to go back to school. I suggested that she take Nathan and I'd take Rilla to make our purchases. Elizabeth was still waiting outside the Men's Room after I'd checked out so I told her I'd head out to the car, put the bags away, and get Rilla into her car-seat. When Elizabeth and Nathan finally came out, they were both in tears. Nathan had pooped and couldn't wipe his bum to his satisfaction. The store employees were laughing as they heard his plea for someone to "wipe his bottom." Elizabeth didn't know what to do. Nathan began screaming and crying. The employees then asked Elizabeth what the matter was. One of them checked to see if anyone else occupied the men's room. Elizabeth was allowed to enter and assist her little brother. She did.
Post-Trauma Commentary:
Nathan, worried that I'd had left him, and stated, "Mom, maybe I'm not ready for the boy's one."
Elizabeth stated, "I just didn't know what to do. Everyone was watching. I just didn't know what to do."
I laughed and assured that if she would be late for practice at least it was a sympathetic story.


Michelle M said...

Poor Nathan! Poor Elizabeth! I wish the employees hadn't laughed at them, but I often laugh at things that children say, so I suppose I understand.

Julie said...

Darling story! Probably a memory that both of yours will remember and relate to their children.

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ruzzel01 said...

I can say im still lucky to overcome that stage.

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