Sunday, January 11, 2009

Go Back to School?

I have been thinking about going back to school to get my masters. The idea of taking tests, doing research, and writing papers again is completely overwhelming and non-appealing. Then, this week, it dawned on me that I never really have been out of school...I do times tables on a daily basis with my third grader. I help my older two kids with geometry and algebra. I have co-written several reports...the latest being on the Navajo Indians. The sad part is I had become an expert on the Cherokee Indians doing two reports on them, but Emma chose to do the Navajo because Ray grew up near a Navajo reservation and has expressed complete love and devotion to them. While Ray's enthusiasm is wonderful, I am the one writing the report...
I find it interesting that each of my children's teachers have expressed that parents do not need to feel responsible for their childrens reports and that we are not to do much. I suppose there are children who can do a report without their parents even knowing about it...I just don't happen to have a child like that. In fact, if I didn't drill each child every night about what homework needs to be done, I don't know if any would get done. And, even when we finish the homework, it doesn't always make it back to school. Anyway, I know for certain that I worry about my childrens' homework deadlines more than they do. With three different spelling lists a week to study, three science projects a year, book reports, and the constant drama with friends and teachers, I should be more confident in going back to school. :)

1 comment:

Michelle M said...

I don't know how you find time for everything that you do. Truly.