Thursday, August 20, 2009

Just Feed the Children!

Our elementary school has an absurd policy: Pay first or kids don't eat. So perhaps it's not that bad, but why should a child go hungry if a parent is delinquent? And why do we hear so much about how important healthy nutrition to a child's ability to learn if the school is willing to starve the kids? I personally think it's unethical to allow any child to miss lunch regardless of the reason. Because usually there is a reason...
One of my greatest struggles stems from the fact that I write one check for all the children's lunch money. I assume that the money will be used for each of them. I knew we had some money left in our account from last year but just in case, I gave Noah 5 dollars yesterday morning to insure that all 3 children would have lunch. Poor Tessa came home with her hand stamped red & a nasty reminder sticker stuck to her shirt. She cried as she told me I'd forgotten to send lunch money. I tried to soothe her by explaining there'd been a mistake because I had sent money. Of course though, I am always wrong when going up against school administration in my children's eyes. I even asked Noah if he'd remembered to turn in the money. He had :) I realized that Tessa, being new to the school lunch as a first grader is not yet on the list of "Thompson Children" who share lunch money.
Today as I handed Noah a check for more money (with an explicit note that the money is to be divided amongst the 3 children), I turned to Tessa, and said, "If anyone tells you that you don't have money, or if they tell you that you can't eat, simply say, 'My mom said she paid and that you'd better feed me! Call my mom if you have any questions.'" Tessa rehearsed this a few times while giggling. At least she left knowing I'd go to battle for her.


Lynne said...

I know it's such a hassle - in middle school John gets a cheese sandwich if they're out of $$. I know it's getting bad when he starts to say how good they taste w/ BBQ sauce. I finally started writing out a check for each of them with their own pin # on it - the lunch ladies struggled to separate 1 payment. Of course, I guess they're dealing with a thousand kids...

JOY said...

HI Jodi! What an amazing family you have! I have enjoyed reading your blog this morning. AND I know what you mean about those nasty notes coming home about no lunch money. Our are flourescent green! How does that money get eaten up so fast?